Archuleta Mesa

There is a lot of talk about Archuleta Mesa from locals in Pagosa Springs, and Dulce, New Mexico. Dulce Base and Aliens? I dont know about that but here are a couple links and you can decide for yourself. Archuleta Mesa is one of the Summits in Rio Arriba County, NM and can be found on the Dulce USGS topographic quad map. The GPS coordinates are 36.9972322 (latitude), -106.9703146 (longitude) and the approximate elevation is 9,078 feet (2,767 meters) above sea level. Archuleta Mesa is also our view from our backyard.

Wikipedia Dulce Base... Dulce Base - Wikipedia

Curator Magazine... Archuleta Mesa and Its Aliens – The Curator

The Black Vault...“Leaked” Underground Dulce Base Alien Photo by Thomas Costello - The Black Vault Case Files

The U.S. Sun...Inside mysterious Dulce 'UFO base' where conspiracy theorists claim 60 US troops were killed by aliens in secret war | The US Sun (

Think About It...High Strangeness on the Archuleta Mesa - Subterranean Bases (

I have not personally seen anything around here, but the video below was shot a mile and a half from here while we were drinking in the Basement Bar. I personally wouldn't have believed him if he just showed me the video, but I was sitting with him when it came across his phone from his Ring camera. If you listen closely, you can hear the rain in the background, but no noise from whatever this is, and I think you would be able to hear it if it was so close to the house. If you watch the entire video, you can see this pass over the house 3 more times and at the end goes up on the side of the screen and you can clearly see it is a disc shape. I have now heard many "explanations" but I haven't heard one I believe. See for yourself and you decide... Are we being visited? And by who? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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